Ivette: Michael and I have known each other since 1980 when we attended Brooklyn Tech High School. We knew about each other because he was friends with my brother. We didn’t date until we were in our mid-20s. That’s when he asked me to marry him. I said yes, and then he disappeared on me. We didn’t see each other for 17 years, until he found me on FaceBook
How did you know he or she was the one?Ivette: We had a love for each other that spanned 17 years. Michael doesn’t judge me and I feel like I can be myself around him. He feels the same way about me. I always knew that Michael and I would cross paths again and that although we weren’t meant to be together in our 20s, we would eventually be together again. Michael is my one of my best friends. Michael: I would have to agree.....we can be ourselves around each other no matter how crazy "ourselves" are.
What advice would you give a young couple?Michael: You must be friends to each other. Hopefully the best of friends because when all else fails you will still have a great friend. Ivette: Ditto!
What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?Ivette: There is no such thing as a “perfect” relationship. You have to find someone whose life baggage you can deal with. Michael: I would have to agree.....again! There is NO "ONE". You could have great relationships with different people.... BUT each relationship will be different. Just like sweet potato pie and chocolate cake, you LOVE them BOTH but they are very different. The "ONENESS" comes from your commitment to each other to fight through the rough times and showing the other person that they are worth fighting for to maintain a great relationship.
How long have you been together?Ivette: Physically, 2 years and 9 months. Spiritually, we’ve been together 20 years. Michael: Ditto.......
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