Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! You've Got a Friend in Me

At work, we worked at a messy dirty place and he showed up for his first day in a white shirt and black slacks and was teamed up with the laziest person in the world. I laughed at him and felt sorry for him all at the same time and he just thought I was cute and set out to meet me. Truthfully we were just drawn to each other it felt like we’ve known each other for years.
How did you know he or she was the one?Because he got me! My dry sense of humor, my zoning out, my short snappy replies he never judged me just accepted that this is me flaws and all.
What advice would you give a young couple?Don’t sweat the small stuff enjoy everything because time isn’t promised to anyone
What advice would you give to someone looking for “the One”?You two will find each other when the time is right
How long have you been together?We aren’t I have known him for 17 years we still love each other and maintain a great friendship he is my best “male” friend
Monday, February 14, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! My Funny Valentine

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love - Adore

We were at a club and he asked if he could take a pic of me. I said sure and me and my friends posed for the pic. A couple of weeks we were at another club and he ignored me. He came up to my brother and spoke with him. Side note I was standing right next to him and he claimed he didnt see me. Later that night I made eye contact and he made his way over to me and I asked why was he ignoring me. He stated he didnt see due to the fact he was promoting a party his club was giving. And I made so smart comment and we have been together ever since.
How did you know he or she was the one?Lonnie - After having conversations and getting to know each other it became apparent she held the qualities that I was looking for in a mate. Tanisha - I knew he was the one when I didnt have any copy paper in my house for my son to do a paper due to the fact his biological father used it all. I had just bough paper the week before. He drove from queens to Bk to bring me a ream of paper. Another thing was he bought me a laptop computer after i was always complaining my computer was not working properly or running out of ink. I really believe he would move heaven or earth for me or anyone dear to me.
What advice would you give a young couple?Lonnie - Be patient and understanding of your significant other. Tanisha - Be your partner's friend. Remember to listen to one another with out inflicting your emotions on their words. Have fun!!!! life is to short you have to laugh with one another. Remember no one is perfect. Keep the romance alive... a surprise love or text goes a long way.
What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?Lonnie - Know what you can accept and what you can not in a mate. Let the other person know. Communication is the key to a good relationship. Expressing your feeling, thoughts desires and goals make understanding and a loving relationship possible. Tanisha - Take advantage of every chance to meet and interact with people. Know what your likes and dislikes in a mate. Be flexible but not a doormat. Take your time to know one another and share different experiences with each other. Observe how they interact and behave with their family and friends. Honesty is a must with yourself and your partner. Communication is key.
How long have you been together?We have been together for almost 2 years.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love - Baby Come to Me

Ivette: Michael and I have known each other since 1980 when we attended Brooklyn Tech High School. We knew about each other because he was friends with my brother. We didn’t date until we were in our mid-20s. That’s when he asked me to marry him. I said yes, and then he disappeared on me. We didn’t see each other for 17 years, until he found me on FaceBook
How did you know he or she was the one?Ivette: We had a love for each other that spanned 17 years. Michael doesn’t judge me and I feel like I can be myself around him. He feels the same way about me. I always knew that Michael and I would cross paths again and that although we weren’t meant to be together in our 20s, we would eventually be together again. Michael is my one of my best friends. Michael: I would have to agree.....we can be ourselves around each other no matter how crazy "ourselves" are.
What advice would you give a young couple?Michael: You must be friends to each other. Hopefully the best of friends because when all else fails you will still have a great friend. Ivette: Ditto!
What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?Ivette: There is no such thing as a “perfect” relationship. You have to find someone whose life baggage you can deal with. Michael: I would have to agree.....again! There is NO "ONE". You could have great relationships with different people.... BUT each relationship will be different. Just like sweet potato pie and chocolate cake, you LOVE them BOTH but they are very different. The "ONENESS" comes from your commitment to each other to fight through the rough times and showing the other person that they are worth fighting for to maintain a great relationship.
How long have you been together?Ivette: Physically, 2 years and 9 months. Spiritually, we’ve been together 20 years. Michael: Ditto.......
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! At Last
Lawrence and I met in 1996 when I saw him on the day he interviewed with the company where I worked.
2. How did you know he or she was the one?I knew he would be my husband the first moment I saw him. I just felt it!! But it took me a while to convince him of that so I had to be patient and wait...and wait...and wait!
3. What advice would you give a young couple?Be patient. Be honest. Be willing to compromise. Be true to yourself. Be ready to share and communicate.
4. What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?Before you can make "lists" about what you want in a mate, you must first know who you are and that takes time. Once you know who you are, you have to be open and receptive to what God has for you. More than likely, most of the points on your "list" are based on the material standards and jaded perceptions of other people. Over time you will see that the "list" doesn't even matter. But what does matter is if that person makes your heart warm, do they make you laugh and smile, are they genuinely concerned about your well being, etc. In my opinion, if sentiments like that are on your list, then everything else, like the material things, will all come naturally!
5. How long have you been together?Ok here's the breakdown: We met in 1996 and started dating in 1997. Sadly we broke up in 2002 but we got back together in 2008 and were married September 24, 2010!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! I knew you were waiting for me

We met on Dec.18th 2008 and are in love with each other more now than two yrs ago. He literally changed my life. When I met Dennis I on a whirlwind of depression and anxiety. I did not know what I wanted and who I was and Dennis made it his obligation to love me unconditionally no matter how much I pushed him away because I had no love for myself. He helped me realized I was worth loving myself and that I am not perfect and mistakes are always going to be made but that I should be able to forgive myself and move on to brighter days. He took care of me as a woman and as a human being. This is truly the first time in my life I ever had a man love me for me and first time in my life I actually know what it feels like to have unconditional love and to be in love. I have been through so much abuse from sexual to mental abuse from the age of 7 and it was all I knew growing up so meeting him was such a wonderful breathe of fresh air and a gift from God.
2. How did you know he or she was the one?I knew he was the one because the first he looked at me on our first date my heart dropped and that never happened to me before and when we had phone conversations we would say the same things at the same time simultaneously.
3. What advice what you give a young couple?Young couple should learnto build each other up as opposed to tear each other down at the first site of argument and allow their partner to be who they are with accepting their flaws, faults and imperfections. They have to be willing and able to make positive changes within themselves for the other person.
4. What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?Discover who you are, love and accept yourself in order for you to love and accept whoever comes into your life that could be the one. Once you are complete and happy within your heart, soul, mind and spirit you will be so aware when the ones comes around it will be felt in your heart and you will know.
5. How long have you been together?2 yrs on Dec. 18th 2010
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! Give Me You

We actually had 2 encounters. The first time was when my friend was throwing a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend at the time. We met, I beat him in dominoes and parted ways. Almost a year later that same friend and boyfriend were now getting married and we both attended. We were introduced, again…. This time my friend did not let him leave without talking to me, of course he did, we exchanged #’s and the rest is history.
2.How did you know he or she was the one?This is weird….but Im sure the ladies will agree. I knew he was the one when he took out a sew in weave that I was wearing! I was shocked! I was even more shocked when I allowed him to see the after affects…lol That’s when I knew, that this one was something special.
3. What advice would you give a young couple?I would tell ANY couple, to keep your partner smiling/laughing!!!!!!! Humor can cure anything.
4. What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?My advice to anyone looking for “that one” would be to STOP LOOKING! When “you’re” ready he/she will find you.
5. How long have you been together?I’ve known him for 6 years, but have officially had him on my back for 4! lol
Monday, February 7, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! I’ll be there for you

Sunday, February 6, 2011
If I Ever Fall In Love
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I wanna love you and treat you right
Friday, February 4, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! All you need in the world is love and laughter

We met for the first time at a mutual friends engagement party but didn't really begin thinking of each other romantically until months later.
2)How did you know he or she was the one?For me, it was the fact that he made everyone around him laugh, and that he's religious.
3)What advice would you give a young couple?TALK - make sure you understand that the person you see in front of you won't change because a ring is on their finger.
4)What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?Leave your options open. Having a list is great but understanding that your must haves won't come in a tall, dark and handsome package is important.
5)How long have you been together?We've been married for 2 years, and dated a year prior.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7HT6tyrPdAThursday, February 3, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! It Takes Two

Stacey and I met when I used to frequent a restaurant where he was a cook. I'd been going there for years with my family. He would always stare at me and I would glance at him. We were both married to other people at the time. Finally, one day, he asked me for my phone number. Unbeknownst to us, both of our marriages had gone south about a year prior to that day....
2. How did you know he or she was the one?SHARON: I knew he was the one when he saw the bad parts of me and didn't run! I also knew he was the one when we started wanting to spend all of our time together. I mean WHO spends THAT much time together? We spend ALOT of time together...LOL STACEY: I knew Shay was the one for me because I 'm pretty shy and I never felt so comfortable around someone in my whole life. I never met a woman that had everything I loved and wanted wrapped up in one person. Then I started wanting to be with her vs. being anywhere else. That’s when I knew she was the one.
3. What advice what you give a young couple?SHARON: I don't believe in "young couples"... if we're talking age...so I have no advice for them. I actually believe there should be a minimum age for someone to be in an exclusive relationship. You just don't know what you're doing or what to look for in a person if you're too young. If we're talking about a "young couple" relationship wise (a new relationship vs. age of the couple) I would say take it very slow, don't let sex cloud your feelings, don't act desperate and go with your gut. STACEY: I believe people get into serious relationships at too young of an age also. You should date different people first so that when you settle down you're ready to be faithful and committed
4. What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?SHARON: there is no "that one". God has a wonderful sense of humor! If I went by the "right guy for me" formula, Stacey would be the anti-"that one". We are so different in a whole host of ways. But those ways seem to blend, compliment and strengthen our relationship vs. divide it. STACEY: My advice is you may look all your life and not find "that one". So stop looking with that goal in mind. I found the one for me and I feel very fortunate.
5. How long have you been together?He told me in the beginning that we were going to be together forever. I said "yeah, yeah". I wasn't even looking for anything long term or serious. Ten years later.......
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! You Are My Everything

JNESS and I met the day before Christmas Eve 1990 on the L train in New York around 1:30am. We have not been apart since that day :-).
2. How long have you been together?We have been together for 20 years and will be celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary on March 7, 2011.
3. How did you know he or she was the one?I knew he was the one because he brought laughter back into my life. He renewed my hope in love, and in my self. He nurtured that "little girl" inside of me. He had goals for his life that included me. He wanted to raise an awesome family with me being their mother and accepted every curve my body had.
4. What advice would you give a young couple?Talk alot, nurture each others dreams. Involve each other in decisions.Respect each others space, thoughts, values. Most of all pray for one another. Prayer will get you through situations quicker than any person will.
5. What advice would you give to someone looking for "The One"?Stop looking. Love will find you. You'll know what it looks like when it arrives. Your life will feel complete.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Celebrating 14 Days of Love!! 35 years and still going strong

Our families were at a convention for Jehovah's Witnesses and I happen to be in the pizza shop nearby talking to a friend of hers when she walked in an walked over to the juke box (lol yes juke box) and she was looking to get change so I played big spender and put a quarter on the thing and she said thank you. I asked for her number and the rest is history. That was 1975
2. How did you know he or she was the one?Well once we started talking on the phone and made my moms phone bill real high lol I knew she better be the one, actually when we started writing letters and I would recite old songs (from the 70's) to her in my letters as ways to say how I felt. But even before that I went to her school Nov 1st 1975 because it was Black Solidarity day and we walked around Fordham Road in the Bronx then we went around her way and I met her older sister (R.I.P) and I said I'm going to marry your sister (I was a prophet) lol once I said that my whole insides changed and felt good. so we got engaged Dec 16 1976 and got married July 1st 1978.
3. What advice would you give a young couple?Remember the qualities you found in your mate and realize they are still there, the more you search elsewhere the less you will see them at home. Understand being together is a union that each of you share, its 50/50 because its not always about money if you dont have enough she may say I got it this month but you can do other things to offset the load. Understand that communication is sooooo important cause if you allow things to fester one day it will explode. I never go to bed upset or mad we always go to bed peaceful. Resolve all your issues or at least enough to insure both of you end the day happy with the soloution.
4. What advice would you give to someone looking for "that One"?To stop!!! you don't need to look, how many times do we look for something and settle for less? When we go to the store for something and dont see it we come out with something that soon as we get home we go dayum I didn't want this. So I didn't go looking it just happened. Continue to build a relationship with yourself and the Lord so when you do meet him/her you will know who you are and can better built a lasting relationship. BE YOURSELF!!
5. How long have you been together?WOW I met my wife in Oct 75 we got engaged Dec 16th 1976 and got Married July 1st 1978 so its been 35 years.