PWEA was developed exactly ten years ago. With the first few meetings being held monthly in the living room of her home, she empowered, motivated and encouraged!!! She decided, after frequently being approached by several women expressing their desires to explore other avenues of making a living, as well as, the emotional necessity of reinventing themselves, to organize an Alliance. Many of these women opened home based businesses, continued their education, changed careers, and/or began utilizing their talents, creativity, knowledge, and desires to reach their dreams and goals individually and collectively.
These Phenomenal Women were also looking to grow emotionally and spiritually. Sabrina developed a magnificent sisterhood!! These women love, respect, care, motivate, inspire, and empower one another in all areas of their lives, with Sabrina being the Motivator of them all.
Sabrina's mission is to empower, edify and encourage women to assume greater ownership and achieve their maximum potential. TOGETHER THEY REACH FOR THE STARS AND ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS! She is celebrating ten years of empowering, motivating and inspiring women to live, love and laugh together!!! Guiding them on the path to obtain, grasp and achieve their highest potential. Supplying them with the necessary tools to achieve and accomplish their goals and actually live their life‘s purpose!
Sabrina Ayala Sadler, finally stepped out on faith, and retired from Corporate America at the age of 46. Sabrina, awife, a daughter, grand-daughter, mother, sister, grand-mother, and loyal girlfriend worked successfully in the legal field for more than 25 years. She thanks God for the opportunity and the ability to have been employed by New York City’s major law firms. Although it enabled her complete financial independence and security, it simply was not her calling, nor was it God’s purpose for her life. Her purpose was not a career in the Legal world at all. She knew this almost 25 years ago. It was a flicker in her soul that grew into a burning desire in her spirit. She needed to do what God intended her to do.
Sabrina's empowering soul conveys, as well as, supports the necessity for women to own their own businesses, or to just do what THEY enjoy doing in their lives for themselves! Whatever it is that truly makes them HAPPY and WHOLE! Possibility is a very compelling and creative force for her. She is driven to help women discover and bring about their limitless possibilities. They are continuously motivated and inspired by her to emerge to the heights they desire in all areas of their lives. Her Motto is: Do you! She assists and directs these women by providing the essential tools that are crucial for them to be able reach their goals individually and collectively. She does this by demonstrating "LOVING YOURSELF TECHNIQUES" coupled with VALUABLE information for financial, professional, personal, emotional, physical, spiritual and independent growth and development!
Sabrina is NOW working solely and diligently to edify WOMEN and Children! Sabrina is a very creative writer and communicator. Her interior decorating ability is outstanding. She has an eye for fashion and style. She is finally enjoying living her life’s purpose!
Sabrina opened the doors to the Phenomenal Women Charm & Etiquette School for Boys & Girls February 2007. She is providing our youth with courses in charm, etiquette, culture and grace. She teaches boys and girls ages 5 - 19. Sabrina decided to be a part of the solution where our children are concerned. Instead of just speaking about it, she decided to be about it. Enabling our youth the ability to feel secure and confident in all arenas gives them the self-assurance to excel, and success is a given at this point. Sabrina truly believes that confidence, and a healthy self-esteem is an essential and integral part of their growth and development. Her feelings that our children should be equipped to eat at the white house with ease, as well as, the rib shack without losing their dignity or respect, impels her to give them the essential training that is required for them to do so. She does an excellent job providing them with heritage and background information. Knowledge of where they come from bestows upon them a sense of respect, honor, and pride. Her Rites-of-Passage Ceremony is second to none. Society does dictate certain behaviors. Her graduates are prepared for life.
Sabrina loves to travel and entertain. She always spends quality time with her family and friends. God has blessed her with the gift of creativity. She loves all beautiful things. Sabrina can see beauty in everything, and in everybody. She is happiest when she is decorating, entertaining, and/or coordinating. She loves to dance, and loves old school music. She’s not a television person, per se, but loves the TCM Network (Turner Classic Movies) they showcase movies from the 1930's - 1960's). She loves their style of dress, and the beautiful massive homes of that time. She always states how they were all so "GRAND". She marvels and comments on how the ladies always dressed so classy, elegantly, sexy and beautifully, and the men were gentlemen. They wore suits, top coats and hats, and they had MANNERS. She adores and admires the Chivalry of that time. She often says, she would've loved to have lived in that era!
Sabrina’s zest and love for people and life, coupled with the ability to truly love has been the basis of her wish, support and encouragement for women throughout her life. She is equipped to do this because she has always been loved. God blessed her with loving parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. She is thankful and appreciative for HIS choice for her parents! Loving her unconditionally taught her how to do so as well. Nurturing her, and supporting her in all areas of her life ALWAYS…even when they disagreed with her choices! They never stopped parenting! She is blessed to know and receive this authentic kind of love from her parents. Without a doubt her brothers also love her with the same type of love that she receives from her parents. She is extremely content with being the only girl, and feels blessed to have them as her siblings! They are all great men, all 4 of them!
Sabrina was loved by her mate. Therefore, she was able to go forth into the world with true love in her heart because she was always truly loved.
However, make no mistake about it her very first ultimate and greatest love occurred on May 17, 1981 when she gave birth to her eldest son, Robert. Rob has been an enormous blessing in her life from the beginning. After 17 years of being Rob’s mom, and Sabrina feeling that she could not possibly ever love anyone as much as, or in the same way as she loves Robert, God showed her the capacity of a mother’s heart. Again, on November 10, 1998 God showed up and showed out in her life, with that same type of ultimate greatness. Tyler was born! Trying to find the words to communicate how her boys FILL her heart with so much LOVE AND JOY takes her breath away. They are the true BLESSINGS of her life!! Just when she thought she could not love at this magnitude again, God gave them Tiana, her granddaughter. It becomes a different world for her to now actually see her Mini me! They love and understand each other completely!
Sabrina has a quick wit that is refreshing and amusing. She loves to laugh, and is usually very happy. She can brighten your day when she sees you, because you can be sure that she will flash an ear to ear smile almost instantly. Although, the best thing about her smile is not her pearly whites, it’s the actuality that you can see THE SMILE in her eyes. The mirror of her soul! Its REAL!
Sabrina Ayala Sadler
Phenomenal Women Empowerment Alliance,LLC.