1. What do you find attractive about plus size women
Great question. What is there not to be attracted to? I love the size of a plus size woman. I think its incredibly sexy. I have never been attracted to a woman smaller than a size 14. The sweet and sensual look to a thick belly and thighs, a broad back and shoulders are extremely sexy to me. I love the way a thick woman walks and how everything moves as she does. The large and ample breast of a rubenesque woman would make any man’s mouth water. I would be amiss, if I didn’t mention the hips, those thick full beautiful hips; this is the moniker of full figured women. This is why being married to a full figured model is like living with an angel.
2. Have you always been attracted to plus size women
Oh yes! As long as I can remember its been full size or nothing. I loved Nell Carter, Chaka Kahn, the late and great Phyllis Hyman and Vesta Williams. I was in love with Martha Wash from the weather girls.
3. At what age did you realize that you were attracted to plus size women?
I was 10 years old when I had my first full-figured crush. It was the friend of my cousin's mom.
4. When you found out that you were attracted to plus size women did you admitted it right away or did you hide it from others?
Please, did I admit right away? Yes of course. I have always been a leader and out front guy. I am going to like who I am with. I want to make sure everyone knows it. I don’t believe in hiding someone you care about. Plus, I find plus size woman so attractive, it blows my mind when men say they are not attracted to plus size women. I know it’s all lies, how could you not be. One thing I have come to notice is when you have a big girl on your arm, everything around you seems a tad bit sexier.
5. What advice if any would you give a plus size women looking for a man that will appreciate and love her for herself?
Another great question; I would say this to any sister of size, LOVE EVERY INCH OF WHO YOU ARE. There are men who love you just as you are. Don’t lower your personal bar to please anyone. Walk with a sense of comfort in yourself. Make a man prove his worth to you. Don’t let society steal your worth. Love the You God made. Wake up each day and embrace every sexy thick curve you have been blessed with. Make your man do the same. If he doesn’t embrace your size as a gift from God, leave him. Finally, don’t try to alter your body if you’re unhappy. Surgery is only an answer if your health is in jeopardy. if it’s not, then take your time and work on your health not your size. It will even out as you're getting into whatever healthy regimen you adhere too. Just don’t get too small, the brothers like me would be very upset. Thank You for allowing me to share my thoughts to God’s greatest creation, Thick women.
Name: K. L. Belvin
New York
Married (to a sexy ass full figured woman)

Owner and Founder of Bravin Publishing.
Author of From Gigolo to Jesus, A Man In Transition, featured in four other titles. Poet, Educator / Dean of Students 15 years, Father of 6 children, Motivational speaker and Mentor